- Hutia te rito is a well known whakataukī. The harakeke (flax) plant represents the whānau (family) in Māori whakaro. The rito (shoot) is the child. It is protectively surrounded by the awhi rito (parents). The outside leaves represent the tūpuna (grandparents and ancestors)
- After making a list of all the things your learners know that are made of harakeke it is worthwhile talking about karakia and how they are said prior to harvesting harakeke
- How to harvest harakeke shows the correct protocol. It also has a simple worksheet to complete.
- The karakia as a collaborative is a stunning poster great for teamwork and an awesome addition to your akomanga.
- The foldable book is an effective way to promote some reading of te reo as well as learning the names of harakeke taonga.