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Matariki-Ko te wā Kai
It’s food time! Ākonga can draw or write kai that they may enjoy during te whāngai i te hautapu (Hautapu), or indeed food related to the whetū. To write kai simply- He wātakirihi (A/some watercress). He ika (A/some fish). He kūmara (A/some kūmara). Here are some other rauemi related to
In mid-winter, when Matariki rises on the eastern horizon in the morning, a ceremony unfolds. This kaupapa, known as whāngai i te hautapu — or simply hautapu — involves offering kai related to each of the food related stars , to feed them. Cooking a hautapu with food representing each
He aha kei roto i te kōhua? What’s in the pot?
This activity is fun for your ākonga to create a Matariki “boil up”. You can combine the achievement objective 1.5 1.5 communicate about location Use it with these other Matariki activities Matariki whetū kai Matariki Heri Kai-sorting and labelling Login
Matariki Heri Kai-Sorting and labelling
This fun activity focusses on the four whetū associated with kai. Ākonga can sort and label kai associated with these whetū. Different whetū in the cluster have an association to the various domains from where we source our food, in particular: •gardens (Tupuānuku) •forests (Tupuārangi) •fresh water (Waitī) and •the
Matariki Whetū Heri Kai-Whakataukī
The theme for Matariki 2024 Matariki heri kai, is taken from the whakataukī “Matariki whetū heri kai” Matariki the bringer of food. Firstly the ākonga can identify which whetū are related to kai. Then, they can draw or write the names of kai related to these whetū. Food is central
Ngā Tūpou Personal Pronouns
Unlike the English language Māori pronouns are not gender specific. Also, another difference, Māori pronouns have dual pronouns. These pictures will help explain the pronouns. There is also a black and white copy of each where your learners can fill in the pronoun matching the pictures. Login
Te Whare Tapawhā- Juniors
This is a one page simple whare for your learners to complete. Login
E hia ō tau? How old are you?
1.4 Communicate about personal information. This resource will help you ask how old someone is. Furthermore, you can say how old you are. Login
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