
Latest Resources

He Āhua Ahu Toru-3D Shapes

Here is a reference guide and a simple worksheet for your learners. Learn the kupu māori for: Cone Sphere Cylinder Rectangular prism Triangular prism Cube Login

Te Moana Bingo

Learn the names of two atua associated with the sea and some sea creatures. Bingo (Pingo) is an affective way to introduce a topic to the whole class. Alternatively, it can be used to reinforce the names of some creatures. It can then be used as a group activity in

Pania of the Reef-PowerPoint

“Pania of the Reef” is a Māori pūrākau that tells the story of a beautiful sea maiden named Pania. According to the legend, Pania was a creature of the sea, part human and part supernatural being. She lived in the moana off the coast of Napier, Ahuriri. Reading activities here.

Map Directions

Learn how to get from A to B. Next, make your own map and instruct your partner to get to a destination. Login

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