Tūwāhi - Location

1. Flipping Cards

Kei hea te kurī?
Where is the dog? (Sound bite below)

For this activity we can just use “Kei (location)” for the reply. This would be the second stage of learning the response.

  1. Raro (down/below)
  2. Kei raro (located below/under)
  3. Kei raro i te (under/below the…)
  4. Kei raro te kurī i te… (The dog is under/below the…..)

When we talk about progressions the above are a good example of this. Obviously if you know and use te reo you can move your learners through these stages quite quickly.

Enlarge the game screen from the right corner.

Hover over a picture and say its name in Māori. Swipe the card. If you guessed it right, click on it so it will disappear. To guess again, swipe it again and pick another picture to name.

To play on a tablet or smart board, click the full screen icon on the bottom right corner of the game window.